Wow with a title like that you have to wonder about our day. Actually it started out the way most days here have started......Rain!! Ok, I know I'm complaining. I know it's February in Portland and that's what it's suppose to do and I know you all back in Michigan have had it cold and nasty and except for those who use mechanical means to go careening through the woods you are probably sick of the snow. There, that was a great run on sentence. By the way it has been brought to my attention that there were some grammatical errors in yesterday's post. That's what I get for not having Judy proof read it.
But more about today. Since Judy got her hair done yesterday, today it's my turn. A #1 attachment on the clippers and the job is done. Of course in my case Judy only has to do the back half. The front seldom needs doing. When she was done, I resembled Britney, but of course I kept the beard so there would be no confusion.
Then it was time to head out with #2 daughter, Michelle, to shop for shoes for Judy. And guess what? When I opened the door to go outside, the sun was actually shining. Looks like it's going to be a good day. Two pairs of shoes later, one coffee stop, fill up the car with gas (By the way they pump it here for you), and it was time to pick up grandson Nemo from Preschool and head out to lunch.
Portland has lots of choices for lunch without having to give in to the Franchise type. Today we had Hawaiian food at a little place called 'Ohana'. I had Teriyaki chicken and Judy had barbecued chicken. Both came with a side of rice and macaroni salad. Sounds strange, but it's really tasty. I also had a side order of what can best be described as a small block of rice topped with a piece of grilled spam and wrapped in Nori. Kind of like giant Spam sushi. I know it sounds strange but it was great.
After lunch it was nap time for Mia, so Nemo, Grandpa, and Grandma went to a used record store and then to the mall to look for some new jeans for Grandma. I've been wanting to find some cd's or old fashioned albums of the group called the “Dillards”. If you are a fan of the old “Andy Griffith Show” you would remember a strange singing family called the Darlings who used to visit Mayberry from time to time. Well the Darlings played blue grass music and their real name was the Dillards. I found one cd and 2 albums. The jeans were found at the mall and then it was time to head back to Michelle and Ian's so we could leave for the final event of the day.
Nemo attends Montessori preschool at a local Lutheran church. They were having a pancake supper at the church tonight as a fund raiser for the preschool. We were informed it was also Shrove Tuesday which I've learned is kind of like Fat Tuesday only a little more subdued. In Canada, this day is also known as Pancake Day because it is customary to eat pancakes on this day. Maybe that explains the Pancake supper??
Michelle and Ian had volunteered to help serve and of course we got to help watch Mia and Nemo. Nemo's preschool class then entertained us with a few songs and the evening was over.
As we got out of the car tonight to enter our home on wheels I looked up and there it was the moon. The clouds had cleared just long enough for us to see it. Amazing isn't it. A little Sun, a little Moon, fun with the family and suddenly the rain doesn't seem so bad. And one other thing. Nobody made fun of my hair cut today.
Eat your heart out Britney!!!!