It never rains in Arizona? Man, it pours!

With the forecasters predicting rain during the night, John stowed the patio mat, folding chairs and table before we went to bed. Are we ever glad he did. Let's just say...what a difference a day makes. What was dusty hard clay yesterday was gooey mud this morning and it was still raining.

Of course Mollie needed to go outside first thing so John carried her outside and let me tell you, she was not a happy camper. At least it didn't take her long to do her duty :)

We hadn't planned on leaving very early this morning since we were just driving up to Mesa. So we had breakfast and discussed our strategy for leaving. The rain had stopped so we decided to run into town and take care of a couple of errands, hoping that while we were gone some of the ground would dry a bit. But, the ground didn't look any different when we got back. We pulled the jeep up behind the rv and hooked up, got the hoses stowed, pulled in the slide and rolled out. What a muddy mess!!

The trip up to Mesa was safe and uneventful and took us about 2 hours. We'll be here at Desert Vista RV Park until Monday then we'll be moving a few miles over to Usery Mountain Park.
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