The next week was filled with last minute errands and wedding plans. Before we knew it the big day was here. The weather was perfect. The wedding was held in downtown Portland on the top of the Eco trust building. The reception was one floor below. We had a great time and it was over before we knew it. Sunday morning,family and friends gathered for a brunch for Julie and Jeremy, so they could open their gifts.

Sunday afternoon we drove over to Multnomah Falls with Michelle,Ian,Nemo,Mia,Melissa and Emma.

Monday morning we played taxi service getting first Julie and Jeremy to the airport for their trip to Spain, then Melissa and Emma to the airport for their trip back to Michigan. Jonathan and Laura had flown back to New York City early Sunday morning.
After picking Mollie up from her weekend stay at Noah's Arf, we headed back to the motor home for a little down time. Tuesday evening, Michelle and Ian treated us to a Japanese dinner and after hugs and goodbyes we headed back to the RV to get packed up.
Wednesday morning we left Portland and headed down the coast and taking our time going south on 101. We spent the night at Beverly Beach State Park just north of Newport.

Thursday morning we continued south to Winchester Bay to meet up with our friends Bob and Linda who are volunteering at the Umpqua River Light House.
That afternoon they took us to the processing plant for Umqua River Oysters.

Linda bought some freshly shucked oysters and we then headed to a local seafood market for some freshly caught tuna. That evening Bob grilled the tuna and Linda fried up the Oysters. What a meal!!! Fresh seafood with Peach Salsa, asparagus, caprese salad, coleslaw, and chocolate zucchini cake for dessert. Friday we got to see the pictures from Bob and Linda's recent trip to Europe, and Bob gave us a private tour of the lighthouse.

Then it was time for dinner. They took us to the WaterFront Depot, a wonderful little seafood restaurant a few miles north in the town of Florence. Another great seafood meal. When we returned to Winchester Bay, we went up to the lighthouse again for a spectacular night time view.

All too soon, it was time to say good bye to Bob and Linda.
It was a very rainy, windy night and still soggy when we got ready to leave this morning. First we made a quick trip back to the market for some more fresh tuna to freeze and take home with us.

Then we hooked up the Jeep to the motor home and headed East over the Cascade mountain range. We are spending the evening at Camp Walmart in Bend Oregon. On to southern Idaho in the morning.
1 comment:
what beautiful pictures...especially am drawn to the curling staircase photo. that's gorgeous. nice to see the marina shot, too. those boats look so cozy and inviting. we miss you guys.
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