Our "to-do" list is getting shorter and excitement is building as we continue to prepare for our trip overseas coming up in less than two weeks. Our taxes are done and e-filed thanks to turbo tax, the credit card companies have been notified of potential charges from Spain and France, necessary items of clothing and technology have been bought, and a reservation at Camp Bow Wow has been made for Molly.
Our bags aren't packed yet but we are making lists. As we have done on previous trips to Europe, we are packing light and are each taking one carry-on piece of luggage, plus a small shoulder bag. We just do a little hand laundry in the hotel sink every couple of days during our travels and we are good to go.
This afternoon was very pleasant so we both went for a walk over in the park with Molly. This was also a test to see how John's foot would do, as it's been bothering him lately with a bit of swelling and occasional pain. It doesn't seem to be any worse after our 40 minute walk so that's good.
He's taking an anti-inflammatory and hoping that will take care of it. If it isn't better in a couple of days he will have to see the doctor. This is the same foot he fractured a couple of years ago.
The weather has been mild the last couple of days and Spring is definitely in the air. We even saw a few golfers in the adjacent golf course while we were walking; a sure sign of Spring in Michigan.