Sep 9, 2010


I know it has been a couple of weeks since our last post so I'll try to bring you up to date.

I got to play professional photographer for a day, helping daughter Julie photograph a wedding on the Oregon coast.

Took Grandkids for a ride in the motorhome when we left the coast on Sunday.

Moved  up to Olympia, WA. for a couple of days.

Attended a professional photographers workshop in Seattle with Julie.

Spent the Labor Day weekend camping in Port Ludlow with Michelle, Ian, Nemo, and Mia.

Visited our Niece Lauren and her new baby Judah in Edmonds.

So we are now settling in for the month here in Chimicum.  We do have several things planned.  We want to attend the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend this weekend.  Next weekend we are going on a farm tour.  Sometime this month we want to go to downtown Seattle for the day, and also Whidby Island.  Then there's the Olympic National Park and the..... 

Yes we have plenty to keep us busy.

Until later.

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